Submit your poster

Please use the form below to submit your poster to OIF Studio.  Higher resolutions are recommended.

For best display, please ensure posters are in a 2:3 format (example: 24 inches wide x 36 inches high, 4 inches wide x 6 inches high, 800px wide by 1200 pixels high, etc.).  A minimum size of 600px wide is recommended.

    Forms may be shared between OIF chapters, please be sure to specify your Chapter before proceeding


    Poster Submission Form

    Your Name (First and Last)

    Your Email

    Film Title:

    Your Role in the Production:

    Upload Poster. Allowed file types are: .png, .jpg, .jpeg; maximum 1 megabyte in size.

    Please note that Image File Size Must be limited to no more than 1 Megabyte. If larger than that, you can use an image optimizer (many free ones online, search for "Image Optimizer") to resize your image before attempting to upload it.

    By submitting an image, video or link on this site, you confirm that you allow OIF to post your material on its website or elsewhere for promotional and marketing purposes.


    Your privacy is important. Your email address will not be shared with third parties without your prior consent.