Valentine’s Day Challenge

OIF Valentines 2017 Challenge

OIF Valentine’s Day Challenge

We have already begun receiving scripts for the OIF Valentine’s Day Challenge.

Romance must be part of the theme. The genre can be Romance-comedy, Romance-drama, even Romance-Horror, etc., as long as Romance is present.

Scripts must be 10 pages or less and due no later than December 5th, 2016! Writers, you have over a month to perfect the scripts and tweak them to your heart’s content. Production crews and cast will be assembled shortly thereafter.
The FINAL and COMPLETE movie must be ready by January 20th, 2017. Tentative screening date is early February, likely BEFORE Valentine’s weekend. More info will soon be provided on our website.

Keep in mind that complexity and cost of the production will be factors in choosing the scripts  for this project and the official screening.  Send your script in today.